For whom?

For adults, including young adults, who are facing problems.

Motivated by my own background, I have founded Alma Counselling to provide services for expatriates, international professionals and foreign students living in The Netherlands. However, it is open to anyone (irrespective of nationality, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity) who can benefit from counselling.


For whom is it not?

Alma Counselling is a one-person practice. Being a counselling psychologist means that I cannot provide you with medical help and crisis interventions. If needed, I can help you to seek a suitable professional.

I work in a traditional way; the counselling sessions are planned in advance (face to face or online). This also means that I cannot provide you with online support or immediate guidance between the sessions. 



The length of a counseling process can vary from a few sessions to a longer process. How many sessions are planned is always based on our mutual decision, and we agree upon this during the first few sessions.  However, we  evaluate the progress regularly and can revise the planning if desired.



Sessions are possible in English, Dutch and Hungarian.



Individual session: 115 euro (50 minutes)

Couple/relationship session: 180 euro (75 minutes)


These are total amounts.  VAT is included if applicable.   

If we hold shorter or longer sessions, we can agree on a different price.  



If you want to cancel or postpone a meeting, please send a message at least 24 hours before the agreed time of the session. Because the time is reserved, missed sessions (without being cancelled in time) will be chargeable.



I work in a "non-contracted" way. This means, that I sign a counselling contract with you and not with an insurer and I send the invoice of the sessions directly to you. However, many Dutch and foreign insurers do cover (part of) the cost of counselling for individuals.

The following link will give you a list of Dutch insurers that recognize individual counselling and provide coverage, although what they cover differs from policy to policy:

If you have a foreign insurance, please check your policy.

There are also other options for coverage, such as work-related programs.

​Confidentiality and Privacy

All sessions, including the introductory meeting, are strictly confidential. Only in the event of risks to the safety of yourself or others might I need to share information with third parties:  Alma Counselling Privacy Policy.pdf

The website of Alma Counselling only places essential cookies.


Agreement and General Terms and Conditions

If we decide  to start a counselling process, then we enter into an agreement. You will receive this agreement on paper or online. The agreement must meet the legal and administrative requirements of my professional counselling association (ABvC), based on Dutch law:  Algemene Voorwaarden.pdf



​If you have any kind of bad feelings, negative observations or suggestions for improvement during the counselling process, I would like to ask you to discuss it with me first. Counselling works on the basis of trust. A unique and positive relationship between client(s) and counsellor is of essential importance - there is no counselling work possible without it. Discussing eventual negative feelings during the sessions can clarify misunderstandings, can strengthen the relationship and can be a source of insight and learning.


If you still feel your complaint is not addressed properly, you can contact the complaints officer of the Dutch Counselling Association (ABvC):

The Dutch Counselling Association is also a member of SCAG, a Dutch national organisation established to handle eventual complaints. You can find more information about SCAG on their website: