I am a psychologist and an expatriate myself with over 20 years professional experience acquired in different countries, partly in health care, where I worked as a clinical psychologist and therapist, and partly in the corporate world, where I spent long years as a consultant and manager in an international environment.
I have lived in the Netherlands since 2005. I studied systemic therapy and counselling here and I worked for (international) mental health institutions before launching my own counselling practice.
I am a member of the Dutch Counselling Association (ABvC), and I work according to its rules, regulations and quality standards. For more information, please visit the (Dutch) website of ABvC.
Being and working as a psychologist are important to me; my vocation is an essential part of my identity. I am also a partner (living in a bicultural relationship with all the challenges that presents), a mother of two children, a devoted dog owner and an avid reader.

Registercounsellor ABvC® (Member of SCAG) ; number: 118346
Registertherapeut RBCZ; number: 230239
Kvk Number: 75692457 BTW (VAT) Identification Number: NL003016617B44
- Counselling Psychology (Specialisation), Stichting Counselling Nederland, Heteren; The Netherlands
- Clinical Psychology (Post Master’s degree), Haynal Imre University of Health Sciences, Budapest; Hungary
- Psychology (MA) Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts, Budapest; Hungary
Certificates / Additional Training
- Systemic Therapy, Den Hertog Systemics, Zwolle, The Netherlands
- Regularly attend trainings and seminars in the field of counselling and systemic interventions